the horrors

a collection of digital photographs

    "the davidsonville horror 2"

  acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

            digital photograph

"the horror on green orchard creek"

     acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

                  digital photograph

           "the happening"

acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

           digital photograph

    "they came on a tuesday"

acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

             digital photograph

"by the light of a solar eclipse"

acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

              digital photograph

               "the death of a sacred deer"

deer skeleton, glass, steak, blood, monofilament and spray paint

                              digital photograph

  "shedding the skin of perception"

inkjets on masonite, spandex, steak and blood

              digital photograph

           "ascension 2"

deer carcass, glass, steak and blood

        digital photograph

"the horror on green orchard creek 2"

       acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

                    digital photograph

           "the happening 2"

acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

             digital photograph

  "the ash tree horror"

inkjets, acrylic, steak and blood

    digital photograph


mounted buck, reclaimed deer carcass and steak

               digital photograph

"by the light of a solar eclipse 2"

 acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

               digital photograph

            "ascension 1"

deer carcass, glass, steak and blood

        digital photograph

"cross section of a human leg"

           acrylic and blood on birch

            digital photograph

    "the davidsonville horror 4"

  acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

            digital photograph

"when what to my wondering eyes should appear"

                          steak, blood and plastic on wood

                                 digital photograph

       "the bus stop horror"

acrylic, inkjets, blood and steak on wood

            digital photograph

"cross section of a human neck"

              acrylic and blood on pine

              digital photograph

"the davidsonville horror 2"

  acrylic, steak and blood on wood

         digital photograph

"a haunting on the outer banks"

                  inkjet on foam core

           digital photograph

"the occurrence on christmas day 2"

             glass, steak and blood on tree

               digital photograph


"the happening 3"

acrylic, inkjets and slime

digital photograph

"the brain matter stump"

  oil, acrylic and blood on wood

      digital photograph

"the occurrence on christmas day"

            glass, steak and blood on tree

              digital photograph


all images and content

tyler mitchell galleries 2018